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St. Louis “Sodom and Gomorrah” Pridefest 2013

February 21, 2024

Bigger, Badder, & Bolder


Written by Angela Michael

This year's 44th annual event was moved downtown from former Tower Grove Park to accommodate the growing crowds, sadly. However, with the recent Supreme Court decisions regarding equality and same sex unions, we should thank the chin-drooling justices for unleashing the homosexual demons to ravage our morality-crumbling nation even more. The swollen participant numbers and their brazen attitudes were evident at first sight. The same type of decadence hit us back in 1973 when those chin-drooling black robes gave our nation another twisted decision and unleashed the evil of abortion on this nation. 


Jude 1:7-8  Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. Yet in like manner these people also, relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones.


With the backdrop of the Gateway Arch, hundreds of people-many decked out in rainbow-colored leis, beads, and some even balloons – marched down Market Street on Sunday. It marked the first year the annual Pridefest parade was held downtown. Again, Catholic Mayor Francis Slay led this abomination as he waved and smiled to the crowds. 


This year’s event drew a bigger crowd than in previous years. Additionally, Pridefest 2013 also happened to occur just days after the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, giving same-sex couples legally married in certain states access to federal benefits. As Mayor Slay drove by us, we gave him a gentle rebuke, “Mayor Slay, Mayor Slay, your representation in this parade is an abomination to God and the Catholic Church!” His smiled faded as he passed us. People around us began booing our presence. It was the truth. More politicians passed by us and we gently rebuked them.


The float that garnered one of the biggest responses featured participants dressed in black robes, their faces covered with photos of the five Supreme Court justices who struck down DOMA.


Most of the rest of the parade was comprised of drag queens and loud music bars. Politicians and representatives of various organizations joyfully tossed beads to the audience. It was the “Growing Youth of America” group, formerly known as the “Gay Militant Teens,” that drew the loudest applause from where we stationed ourselves along the parade route. And it was much larger than the estimated 500 kiddo’s. So sad, 


All the publicity beforehand stated that the military would be a big part of this year’s parade: and they were, all five flag bearers and three marchers. 


The most nauseating entries were the raving wolves: The St. Louis area gay and lesbian churches. There was an obvious addition this year; the Catholic churches and their communities. Most are in rebellion. St. Stanislaus lost their accreditation when Arch bishop Raymond Burke was still in power. We knew the pastor was gay and in rebellion to the Catholic Church’s hierarchy. St. Stanislaus, as we understand, is privately owned and no longer a part of the Archdiocese, as the priest is defrocked. It makes sense that they are in this homosexual parade. Shameful. But this is what God tells us in the Bible, those in disobedience to the Lord parade their sin in the streets: they have no shame. What is good is evil: and what is evil is good. Isaiah 3:9 The look on their face testifies against them, they parade their sin like Sodom, they do not hide it. Woe to them, they have brought disaster upon themselves.”


You see, the acceptance of abortion and child-killing, throughout all nine months, was not enough for Satan to satisfy his insatiable appetite; now it’s the acceptance of same sex couples and marriages and benefits .The Supreme Court is basically assuming the role of God, and thinks if it gives in to a little of Satan’s demands, that they can compromise with evil. Little do they realize, if you give the devil an inch he will take a mile, as he has. A policewoman looked over at Daniel as he was snapping pictures and asked him, “So, what do you think?” Daniel responded, “It’s an abomination: and it’s breaking God’s heart.” She just stared at him.


We are a sin-filled nation full of evildoers. What is so frightening is the thought of what our county has turned into and what we are leaving for our children and their children. What is so disparaging is the fight to save our nation from this decadence. We have many spectators sitting in the pews, but, where are the gentle Christian warriors and their church leaders? This is a battle of epic proportions, and yes, we did witness a church pastor accompanied by a small group of men trying to gently witness to participants, but, sadly, there should have been more missionaries out there beside us in those mission fields.                                                             


The Pridefest 2013 theme this year was ironic: “Celebrate the past to AWAKEN the future” More appropriate, an American philosopher said  “Those who cannot remember the past, are doomed to repeat it”-George Santayana.  And by the looks of things, our decaying nation is doomed, and we are reliving a dark part of our history, unfortunately.


Fighting for righteousness sake and the future of this nation; I don’t know what could be more important. It is time to take up the sword of the spirit, that being God’s Word, and bringing it to the streets where battles are won. The progressives seemed to be showing up for the war. Where are we?

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