Midwest largest late term baby killing mill may of possibly been sold. We are checking sources for confirmation. The “dream team” husband and wife abortionists, Erin Lee King Eisenberg & David Eisenberg are still killing babies and calling it “healthcare”. David Eisenberg is medical director and murders babies over at Planned Parenthood, in St. Louis, Missouri. He has not been sighted for a while at PP after he botched a recent abortion, reported by protestors outside Planned Parenthood. He teaches baby homicide 101 at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri to future physicians in training. Erin L. King Eisenberg, also listed as medical director, murders babies inside Hope Clinic in Granite City, Illinois and moonlights at Grace Hill settlement in North St. Louis which treats mostly indigent Black American women, procuring many of them for abortions at Hope Clinic. Erin has botched several abortions, but Hope Clinic continues with the cover up as they hired Abbott ambulance firm to haul injured abortion clients over to Barnes Jewish hospital in St. Louis, to perform life saving surgery to save their lives and get them back on the highway where they are no longer the abortion mills problem. No 911 calls. No record of back alley abortions and the gross negligence or malpractice being done,. LEGALLY.
Can you imagine the dinner conversations in the Eisenberg household? We informed the public a few years back this abortion mill was on the market. Since October our ministry has witnessed a large dumpster adjacent to this notorious abortion mill and laborers filling it with bloodied furniture, walls and flooring etc. We noted there are no visible building permits either. IDPH is to be notified before any renovations or constructions take place inside PTSC’s. Hope Clinic also needs permission from IDPH to modify an ASTC. We noticed several boxes of “medical waste” loaded on top of one another in the garage . This is what aborted babies are referred to as. Must be the overflow from past weeks carnage, along with syringes , I.V. bags etc. Stericycle picks them up at unusual times, as in past we take pictures and document.
They don’t like that.
Hope abortion mill has not been updated since its 2 million dollar “state of the art” grand opening in 1999, from their former original blue wooden chop shop erected in 1974. We surmised after the release of the “Gosnell” movie this past October, revealing how filthy and substandard conditions are inside abortion clinics, Hope Clinic knew they had to clean up their image, hence the renovations began in October. The roof had been leaking since this past June when a strong storm came through. Several roofers came by over the summer/ fall, but when they found out it was an abortion mill, they refused to do the work and drove away. Abortionist and Hope Clinic owner, Hector Zevallos has been looking for a buyer for some time now as he is in his 80’s and has several abortion mills in California.
And now with Illinois being a haven for out of state abortions and Illinois taxpayers paying for those abortions, revenue is sky rocketing due to the influx of abortion clients coming from all 50 states. Especially Missouri, who is down to one abortion facility, Planned Parenthood, over in St. Louis, Missouri and enforces restrictions on abortions. Illinois has no restrictions and specializes in late term abortions. Recently, we witnessed approximately 46 babies murdered in a four-hour period inside this slaughterhouse. FOURTY-SIX bodies. Now with free abortions there is no limit, and like most women, abortion IS their method of birth control.
Safest place for an unborn baby in the womb will be Granite City as Hope Clinic is temporarily closed till December 26th to complete baby killing renovations. Just in time for college and high schoolers to return back to schools, after holidays, unpregnant. And of course, the disdainment of Roe V. Wade this January 22nd. Currently, Hope Clinic has at least three staff abortionists; Yogendra A. Shah (SmitaFoi), Erin Lee King Eisenberg(David), Margaret Baum (James), several residents from Washington University float to Hope Clinic as part of their required academic courses. Too bad this isn’t a tattoo parlor or a pornography shop, as the tattoo parlor would have more oversight and strict regulations. As for the porno shop, well, it would have been run out of town by now. But Hope Clinic murdering babies is acceptable by most townsfolk’s and officials and continues to stay open by permission of the local Granite City churches. Satan knew there would be no resistance, that’s why he chose this disgraceful town to house this abomination.
Speaking the truth, no matter the cost,
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249