
November 7, 2023
Kelly Bradley, A Thief, A Liar, A Fraud. 
August 25, 2023
Highland, Illinois
July 6, 2023
Prolife Activism
By Harry Montejo March 4, 2023
Pray To End 40 Days for Lies & Prolife “Cash-Cows” Organizations
By Angela January 4, 2023
THE LIES OF LESNOFF (formerly Kathy Sparks) MOSAIC PHC Granite City, IL.
August 24, 2022
Illinois' rising profile as an abortion care 'oasis in the Midwest' threatens to place it squarely in the crosshairs of anti-abortion supporters, who will increasingly turn their attention to border clinics.
May 2, 2022
Today, 4-29-22 another Granite City Fire and Rescue ambulance arrives just after our SV mobile medical unit left Hope Clinic and heading over to Planned Parenthood in Fairview Htgs. Illinois. Our mobile pregnancy center is the ONLY pregnancy center open on the weekends, fortunately in the Metro East. We cover both abortion mills on Saturdays. We heard from witnesses that the rescue crew brought out a woman from MO that we encountered on Thursday when she started her late term abortion. She was huge. My former co-worker Yogendra Shah was the abortionist inside Hope Clinic today. We used to deliver babies together at an elite Missouri hospital when I first came to the Midwest. Years later would I learn of the abortionist grisly moonlighting job, which caused me to devote my nursing career to "saving lives". This was the 4th ambulance our ministry has caught in the past month hauling butchered abortion clients over to Barnes-Jewish hospital in St. Louis to repair and get them back on the highway. A NP at Barnes informed me butchered women are coming over to BJC every week from both abortion facilities in the Metro East. Barnes has its own team of radical prochoice residents and nurses that are coded and scrub in on these cases to keep things quiet and the cover up of legal back-alley abortion complications continue in Illinois from Hope Clinic and Planned Parenthood. Due to the radical revised progressive IRHA in 2019 Gov. Pritzker signed in effect, there is no regulations or oversight inside Hope Clinic or PP. There are no "inspections" or safety standards. No one is held accountable if a woman is hurt or dies during her abortion. It appears the abortionist inside Hope and PP actually wrote the revised legislation in order to advance their grisly trade and protect themselves from lawsuits. Now let me ask you, if this was REAL healthcare why is there NO accountability? No investigations? A hospital cannot be managed with such gaslighting and recklessness. Why is Hope Clinic not held to the same standards as a licensed surgeon, or veterinarian, or a tattoo artist? Hope Clinic's "House of Horrors" butchered another late term MO. woman. She was there for her 3 day abortion started 4-28-22 Thursday. She was rocking out to heavy "metal" music Day 1 , and snarled at me as I offered her help. Today, as we left Hope Clinic on our way to PP in FVH, an GC rescue ambulance arrived and pictured with clinic manager and aide Kathy Jo Creasy Elberg they wheeled her out motionless with an IV. They tried concealing the injured woman with rainbow umbrellas, and hauled her over to BJC in St. Louis, save her life and continue with the coverups of gross negligence and malpractice going on inside this "House of Horrors" . But Hope Clinic continues with the illusion that this is "healthcare". Hope Clinic is a chop -shop. Period! Her vehicle was the black SUV 2nd from left. Back alley abortion is legal in Illinois. It just cost more. Pray that she survives.
April 19, 2022
"Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” E. Hoffer Under beautiful skies we stood silently after an opening prayer, exposing the truth concerning this fake pregnancy health clinic. Once again, the annual “cash cow” banquet was underway at the Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville, Illinois. For once God granted us favor and we were blessed with good weather unlike past years. In a day and age of tolerance, there is pressure to turn a blind eye to evil deeds. Greater still, there is a pull from society to not even call evil “evil” or good “good.” Some will even rebuke Christians who do point out evil on the grounds that the Bible says that we shouldn't judge. We are told to stop judging people and to be more accepting. Society thus wants us to stop differentiating right from wrong and acceptable from unacceptable. They would have us remove all standards of discernment, and they refuse to recognize that Christ will judge them once and for all after they die. Judgment is a reality of the way the world has been designed. We cannot escape from it, and as Christians we have a calling to exercise righteous judgment Matthew 7:2 And to expose the works of darkness, just like the evil of abortion, Ephesians 5:11. The executive director, Kathleen “Kathy” Lesnoff, formerly Sparks, has run this fake pregnancy clinic changes its name several times throughout the years collecting hundred thousands to millions of dollars and taking government funding to continue the charade she operates a prolife “health clinic”, for pregnant women. And yet Mosaic PHC does nothing to very little when it comes to stopping abortion or helping pregnant women ,but continues to deceive and manipulating others into thinking otherwise. Through the years, our ministry Small Victories “and other good hearted prolifers” have caught Mosaic and Lesnoff in their bold face lies. Most recently was a video through “Trail of Fire” ministries a.k.a Daniel K Norris who visited our area and made a video outside Hope Clinic this past summer. Kathy claimed she saved over one thousand babies in her van outside the Hope Clinic. Attendees kept walking over to us asking questions and we gave them the truth. We informed them of her “trail of lies” . Mosaic PHC has NO sidewalk counselors outside Hope Clinic. Matter of fact Kathy has threatened her volunteers, “if they stand outside Hope Clinic, they will be terminated”. Mosaic does not do ultrasounds outside the abortion mill. The female worker in the van is not qualified to perform scans. Ironically, the same deceit Kathy accuses our ministry of, she practices real good. One of the banquet guest inquired of my sign which read “Mosaic refers pregnant girls for abortions”. “Yes, they do”. Another woman interrupted and said, “that can’t be true”. Sorry to break your illusion of Kathy Lesnoff, but we have caught her “red handed” . We shared our website and just one of the many documented incidents of her referring a woman for an abortion due to her age. They were horrified. We told them to come stand with us see the truth of whose saving babies and helping pregnant women in Granite City, Illinois. See for yourselves as we shared out social pages with them . One woman came over and told us Kathy was telling guests we were “pro choice protestors” ! Of course, Lesnoff has to lie about us exposing her, too. We went on to share our 25 yrs of ministry and pointed to our ultrasound van parked on the adjacent parking lot. “That’s the mobile unit that has been saving babies, not Mosaic PHC”. And with our large, growing family, we have better things to do. Normally, we don't video tape, but after people kept flipping us off (mind you today's Christians), and this man who turned out to be K. Lesnoffs brother charged towards our daughter, we filmed. He was angry, his wife attacked me with her phone twice poking me in my face, and bragging how her hubby, Lesnoffs brother., was a cop, nobody would care. WOW! I asked if he was on the take, you know crooked cop? The whole flipping family is cops,. Untouchable like Kathy Lesnoff. Or so they brag,. If we were not hitting nerves, her family and minions wouldn't be attacking us. The gentle truth went forth. One man came cupping his hands and telling us “Jesus loves us”. Mosaic minions kept telling arrivals to avoid us we were prochoice protestors. We responded to the man, “Yes, and we love Jesus too and Kathy Lesnoff enough to tell her the truth”. That’s why we are here. He was a little surprised, and walked in with another woman. We are fighting a worldly church . “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,”. 2 Timothy 4:3 When we see a fellow Christian sin, we need to confront the sin (after we have dealt with our own hearts) but humbly, graciously, and with an understanding that we are not above the potential to do the very same thing. Very decent weather finally! “Men are so simple of mind, and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find plenty who are ready to be deceived.”
April 18, 2022
Midwest largest late term abortion mill located in Granite City, Illinois has received another notable title, recently. For years now, we have been reporting and documenting that Missouri abortion clients are keeping “the lights on” so to say inside this baby slaughterhouse. In our almost 26 yrs. of gently preaching the gospel and helping mothers with real healthcare and baby supplies etc., and witnessing to the abortion bound, its mostly Missouri women crossing state lines and using Hope abortion Clinic as their method of birth control. There seems to be no limit of evil and corruption that can be bought inside the state of Illinois. Illinois ranks number one in manufacturing corruption and vice. Churches are M.I.A. when it comes to morality or loving our neighbors. Even the littlest ones. Now, since the out going Republican Governor Rauner signed into effect Jan 1, 2018 that Illinois taxpayers will be forced to pay for everyone’s abortions. Its endless. Katy bar the door! And the city forefathers could care less as this is more income for the s***hole Granite City, where the steel industry once kept Granite City thriving; now it’s the abortion mill. This Sunday as many Sundays, pastors will preach, church goers will sing songs, as the blood of the innocent courses through the sewer pipes underneath their churches. Not a word will be mentioned concerning the over 400, 000 babies’ innocent blood that has flowed through their streets for 44 years. This was the 2017 report and numbers are questionably lower than our data; Just imagine what the 2018 data will show us as the murder rate has sky rocketed with Illinois tax payer money. By state: Missouri- 1820. Yes- well over half are from Missouri. 60% actually. Illinois 1069 - barely over a third. 35% REMINDER: This is 2017 report The other 5% are Kentucky 42- 1.4% Indiana 31 - 1% Arkansas 21 Tennessee 15 Kansas 10 Mississippi 8 Te xas 5 Iowa 4 OK and Neb 3 Florida and Unknown 2 Colorado, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Montana 1 Hope abortion mill is more of a Missouri abortion clinic than an Illinois clinic. It just doesn't have to follow MO laws and regulations.
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