Luke 8:17 “What is done in darkness, will be brought to light”
Biggest hoax since the inception of Roe V Wade," safe " really? Have you seen the number of lawsuits filed against Hope Clinic and the abortionists? Have you seen our website full of articles throughout our 26 years witnessing unsafe abortions at Hope Clinic? I noticed in all articles Erin King Eisenberg made no mention of the negligence and malpractice filed on behalf of former injured clients. Is that why Hope Clinic has so many “botched abortions” that they bypass the local hospital only 75 ft. across from abortion mill and hired private Abbott ambulance firm to haul butchered patient’s over state lines to Barnes- Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, to patch them up? No 911 calls, no oversight, no FOIA, sounds like a cover up. It's a revolving door since IL taxpayers are forced to pay for everyone's abortions. Hope Clinic is the "Abortion Capital of America". All 50 states come to kill and dump dead babies here in Granite City, Illinois where there are NO restrictions. And now that abortions are FREE, well, katy -bar -the door!
Recently we wrote the article “HOPE CLINIC IS MISSOURI’S ABORTION MILL”
as over 70% of daily clients are from Missouri. In the past few years Hope Clinic Ltd, Midwest largest late term abortion mill has hired more abortionist’s which includes Erin King Eisenberg (David), Margaret Baum (James) and her significant other James Hobby former nurse, now abortionist. They join chief abortionist Yogendra A. Shah who has been murdering babies and butchering women since 1974. Shah is also my former co worker back in the day when we worked together delivering babies at an elite hospital in West St. Louis County over in Missouri. Until he figured out “he could make more money doing four abortions and not being work up in the middle of the night” Shah’s own words.
And now, that former RINO Governor Bruce Rauner passed 2018 legislation in Springfield, Illinois, that forces Illinois taxpayers to pay for limitless abortions. It’s a revolving door at Hope Clinic. Surgical, dismemberment abortions are being used for birth control methods. In our 26 years of being embedded outside this notorious late term abortion mill, our death tolls continue to soar. Clients are coming from all 50 states and most from Missouri. Most abortion clients are not upset or crying, rather mocking and laughing or boasting how “you all are paying for our abortions”. Our abortion mill is more like the “Gosnell” movie version, not the recent hit “Unplanned”. Our ab mill workers are very nasty. Look at the reviews we posted a few months ago.
Bad Reviews Force Hope Clinic to Remove Website
The clients are rude and nasty so too are the workers inside Hope. But the most revealing lie, was that this abortion mill is “safe.” Contrary to what Hope Clinic wants people to believe, a couple years ago a former Gateway hospital worker told me so many butchered women were coming from Hope that they were now mandated to red flag/report any abortion clients with complications to the State of Illinois Department of Regulation/Health. In turn, Erin King Eisenberg went under the radar and hired a private ambulance firm, commonly known as “Abbott” ambulance services. Instead of taking seriously injured patients from Hope across the 75ft. distance to Gateway Regional Hospital, they bypass any reporting, or FOIA, or 911 calls of injured clients and Abbott ambulance pulls into abortion mill garage or if there are no protestors they pull in front on parking lot and they rush a stretcher inside and pull out a non-responsive women and place her in the ambulance and haul her over to Barnes- Jewish hospital where all 4 abortionists are on staff or have privileges. The injured clients receive lifesaving treatment, get patched up and placed back onto the high way where they are no longer the abortionist problem. We have documented this time and time again on our website. Why does Hope Clinic and their staff jeopardize the health and safety of an injured abortion client by not taking her to a hospital only feet from their doors? Because it’s a “cover up”. They don’t want you to know the truth of abortion. Abortion was based on a lie, abortion thrives on lies, and it continues to be a lie. It is not healthcare; Abortion murders innocent human beings, it destroys lives, hurts and injures women and it goes against all medical ethics “TO DO NO HARM”. This billboard is a wake-up call to the CHURCH of Jesus Christ. Is this what Illinois stands for? Infanticide. Instead of cornstalks and Abraham Lincoln, maybe an aborted baby on the WELCOME to Illinois State sign would be more appropriate. The blood of the innocents is coursing down the washboards streets of Granite City, right up unto the churches doors all the while the church goers sing a lil’ louder as innocent babies are being murdered down the street. “Innocent blood has a voice, and their voice cries out for justice”.
GOSNELL" movie Forces Hope Abortion Clinic To Clean Up Filthy Conditions
ABORTION "The Stories Women Tell,.and Don't Tell" Hope Clinic Butchers Another Woman"
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249