October 2, 2008
Ezekiel 22:30 “I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it.”
Although murdered by abortion, Baby Malachi spoke loudly outside Washington University in St. Louis today, in beautiful crisp fall weather.
Small Victories Ministry brought the truth of abortion to Washington University as many passing by witnessed the horrible truth of abortion. The campus was abuzz with journalists and the world was watching as anticipation was mounting for the Vice Presidential debate this evening.
After ministering outside Planned Parenthood in St. Louis and the Hope Clinic in Granite City ,IL where numbers were low and two
babies were saved, Daniel, Angela, and Savanah Michael brought the proclaiming line onto the university and talked to Charis Fischer, the President of the Washington University Republican Party, and met Chris Wallace of Fox News. They exposed the evils of abortion as hundreds drove by. Ephesians 5:11 “Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, rather expose them.”
The Republican student president was appalled at the sight of abortion. “I’m glad you all are here and we believe in what you stand for.” We informed her this was a divine appointment as we have been wanting to expose the underbelly of abortion within this campus.
Unfortunately, Washington University is also accepting the murdered babies’ body parts for research and studies from the slaughterhouse in Granite City , Illinois where we stand 5 days a week. Most of our deathscorts are recruited from this University of learning. Hope abortion mill deathcamp director (soon-to-be retired) Sally Burgess speaks over there quite often. It probably helps to facilitate opportunities when her husband George “Wilson” Burgess is a professor at Washington University . We exchanged contact information and she thanked us again for being there exposing the truth.
Washington U. was swarming with police, media, and liberals. We introduced Baby Malachi to this campus and they went nuts! One irate woman screamed at us, “My kids! My kids are in the car!” (We didn’t see any kids.) We received a few thumbs up and honks of support.
The debate includes Republican and pro-life Governor Sarah Palin and Democratic Senator Joe Biden, who is a professing Catholic and pro-abortion. This is what Mr. Biden stands for: child killing. Mrs. Palin is a breath of fresh air to the Republican Party, and although no one is perfect except God, she brings hope to this spiraling party. She is a strong woman in leadership with her husband at her side.
She is a woman God can use to wake up the GOP just like God used Deborah in the Bible to shame men into leadership. Hopefully, Palin may bring the Republican Party back to its moral values by buying us some time to clean up our act. “Men may be the head of the house, but women are the neck telling him which way to turn.”
We realized that we can’t depend on politicians to stop abortion. That is up to the Church of Jesus Christ. But if OsamaBama is elected this country’s leader, katy-bar-the door.
Ezekiel 22 “See how each of the princes of Israel within you uses his power to shed blood. They have oppressed the alien and mistreated the fatherless and the widow. ‘They have forgotten me,’ declares the Sovereign Lord.”
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249