Yes, it’s true! This darling little girl was destined for death had someone not intervened. But because someone cared enough to lay their life down, she was born. And yes, she is from Russia . Her pregnant mother was living in New York and being forced to abort her baby by the boyfriend. However, a brother in Christ who was disciple through our ministry stepped up to the plate, so to speak, and took this desperate mother in a “safe-house” until she gave birth. He then provided safe passage to another state where she and her baby can reside and begin a new life.
He sent the following message again, reinforcing that our ministry Small Victories knows no boundaries.
“This would have been her second abortion. I hid her from her boyfriend at my apartment until the final week (from some crazy Russian mafia guy) then got her to another state. She’s keeping the baby. She says it’s her Easter egg. J
It’s my finest moment. Baby is Anastasia. Mom is Elena. Also from Russia .
We fight anyway we can fight, as much as we are able. Don’t give up the fight. You were the best influence on my life.” Thank You Jesus!
1 Corinthians 15:57-58 “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ…Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
It is through the Holy Spirit that every good work is accomplished. The apostle Paul wrote to the church of Corinth and said, “Your zeal has stirred up the majority” 2 Corinthians 9:2 That is exactly what our ministry has strived to do throughout our years of daily ministry.
God’s grace imparts to all who give themselves as a channel for its outflow to the world. Let your light shine! This is the blessing of those who show mercy to the poor. While those who give and provide for the needy, they themselves are blessed to a still greater degree.
This is what being Jesus is all about. When we are willing to do “whatever it takes” to save a life, the blessing is in the giving.:)
Be encouraged,
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249