Being a mother is sometimes a thankless and demanding call, surely not for the faint of heart. However, in my opinion it is the proudest and noblest profession, and the rewards are great. Yes, the homemade gifts of appreciation and occasional thank-you make the runny noses and the many “rites of passage" worth it. And, it's been my experience that somewhere around 21 years after birth, children actually get smart and begin to realize just how tough the job of "mom" is without receiving combat pay. It is then that you may hear the very wise adult child say, “Oh is that what you meant?”
There is a cost to motherhood, however. It is no small sum. For, you see, a loving mother gives her life in sacrifice and dedication in the raising of her children. Her roots of love go deep into their hearts. And motherhood requires divine vision. It requires living by faith and not by sight. So, on this day of honor, we thank you, Moms, for your courageous love in the giving of yourselves. And to those birth mothers who lovingly chose adoption for their children, and to those who give the love of their hearts to adopt these children, we say to these, and to all mothers, we love you and give you thanks everyday of our lives. And remember, no gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you, that being life.
“Lord, I thank You for the joys and wonders that You give me through the children. Thank You for the wide eyes, innocent ways, and laughter, and for reminding me to keep a childlike perspective on life. Help me to slow down my frantic pace at times, and to always see the spectacular in the seemingly ordinary events of each day.”
“Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of a good report – if there is any virtue and if there is any praise - think on these things.” ~Philippians 4:8
Happy Mother’s Day!
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249