Moms are special for many reasons, including their amazing “superpowers” – like Mom ears that can hear and decipher rapid-fire questions coming from several children at once. Or the ability to convince kids that chores are actually fun! She has eyes in the back of her head as she taxis her brood to various activities and serves as an air traffic controller.
Moms are the first responders, the first line of defense for their offspring, the backbone of the family. A Mother juggles the responsibilities of managing the emotional roller-coasters of her young adults and the hormonal haze of her teenagers as she wrangles her bug crazy adventurous kindergartner and tenderly cares for her special needs toddler.
A Mom is the wind beneath her children’s wings as she carefully protects and guides them through the storms: weather-related and life’s rites of passages. She nurtures them as they grow and test her patience time and again. She is always there to fix their broken wings, dry their tears, and pick them up as she navigates them home through the darkest of nights.
A Mom puts her children’s happiness and well-being ahead of her own as she teaches them the hard lessons and to do the right thing. Motherhood may be bittersweet: it may feel like your ladder to success is really a greased pole; but don’t give up! Be strong and do not lose courage. There is hope in the rewards, such as the special needs child who never speaks, yet surprisingly whispers “rock a bye baby” after you lay him down to sleep, and when a stunned and tired Mom goes to pick him up, in a tiny voice he whispers, “I wuv you, Mommy.”
On this day of honor, we thank all moms for their courageous love and sacrifice. To birthmothers who lovingly chose adoption for their children and to those who gave the love of their hearts to adopt children, we say to these and all mothers, thank you, for your love does not go unnoticed. There is no greater gift than the gift of life. We love you all the days of our lives.
“Thank You, Lord, for the joy and wonder You have given me through children. Thank You, Lord, for wide eyes and innocent ways, and reminding me to keep a childlike perspective on life. Help me to always see the spectacular in the seemingly ordinary events of each day.”
Happy Mother’s Day!
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249