Isaiah 1:15-17
“When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes form you: Even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood; wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong. Learn to do what is right. Seek justice. Encourage the oppressed, defend the cause of the fatherless, down plead the case of the widow.”
Three gentle Christians led the gentle rebuke of approximately 300 politicians and pastors and participants, at the annual Metro East Congressional Prayer Breakfast in Collinsville, Illinois at the Gateway Center in the early morning. We were there to deliver God's mail, to gently preach the Gospel of Jesus, to show the truth, and to send the message to the shepherds and the leaders of this nation that innocent babies are being murdered, only 10 miles down the road from this huge, bountiful breakfast feast. Sadly, while these pastors and politicians were filling their bellies, innocent children were being slaughtered. And who is most responsible for their deaths? We need only look in the mirror. In Granite City, Illinois, just down the road from this gathering, the Midwest’s largest late-term abortion mill exists: Hope Clinic for Women LTD. It thrives on the murders and innocent blood of all surrounding states, with Missouri being the biggest donor.
It is no longer shocking to witness more professing Christian women marching through this abortion mill’s doors to premeditatedly murder their unborn babies. It is a slap in God's face to witness the daily executions of covenant babies, God's gifts, His blessings, while the Churches and the politicians stand by idling, or worse, sticking their fingers in their ears so as not to hear the cries of the innocent.
Amazingly, a total stranger picked up a sign and helped us in the beginning. This man was staying at the adjacent hotel and was out for a walk as he was traveling from an Indiana NRA convention. After twenty minutes or so, the man came up to Daniel, who was standing alone, and shared a story from the convention he attended. He introduced himself as “Richard” and shared that a woman came forward at his convention and shared her testimony of how she killed a baby 21 years ago; it tormented and haunted her. His story was very moving. So when this hotel guest went for a walk, not knowing he was going to run into Daniel, who had called over to him. “Please, can you hold that sign there?” the man obliged and stood there until the others arrived. He then came over and shared the testimony with Daniel. It's amazing how God can work through other like-minded saints. Pastors Steve and Cal joined Daniel and began preaching the Gospel to the arriving pastors and politicians who were flying into the parking lot staring at the signs. We recognized Illinois Congressman John Shimkus-R from our district and his homosexual staff accompanying him. We also recognized many local pastors from our own hometown who tried to avoid looking at us. God cannot continue to bless a nation that kills over 57 million babies and looks the other way. The silence and inaction coming from the pulpits signifies the Churches’ approval of the innocent blood being shed only ten miles down the road from this annual prayer breakfast. Inaction is Indifference. Silence kills. It is a sin when a man knows the good they should do and don’t.
The responsibility rests squarely on our shoulders. This is why we were the messengers this day. The Lord tells us in Proverbs that He hates the shedding of innocent blood and explains what happens to a nation that continues to defile itself in rebellion to the Lord and His laws. He tells us that many judgments will manifest themselves, that our foes will rule over us, and that our enemies will oppress us. Can anyone doubt today that God has turned his Church in America over to sworn enemies who are ruling over it? ie: the abortion industry, the radical homosexuals? Sin has filled the Church. The very Name of Jesus has been stripped from the public view in our schools, halls of government, courts, and public squares. These are judgments, and judgments such as these are here to bring the Body of Christ to repentance. Our message today was to ask the shepherds and leaders to please recognize this atrocity and, brother, let us kneel and share in the repentance of the innocent blood of over 57 million babies. Their blood is crying from the ground to our Lord for vengeance. Brethren, we can win people to Christ, sing God’s praises, grow bigger churches, and elect good men to office, but God cannot overlook the innocent blood that cries out to Him.
“Innocent blood has a voice, and that voice cries out for justice.” ~A.M.
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249