An approximate fifty unborn babies are killed a day, two-hundred a week, 10,000 a year; that’s at least three-hundred sixty-six thousand, nine hundred and twelve, in the past thirty two years of child-killing in Granite City, IL at the Hope (less) abortuary.
After eleven biological births and in between the births, the loss of ten pregnancies through miscarriage which included a stillborn and a set of twins… we finally named our latest child, what a baby truly is: Isabella “Miracle” Michael. She now stands at the abortion clinic with me, and when I run out the door to coach a mother in labor she says, “Mommy, are you going to hold babies?” The Small Victories ministry began from our home with the help of our eleven children some 13 years ago, as homeless pregnant girls found their way to our front door, or brought by the local police. I took my nursing degree to the streets and after graduation I specialized in obstetrics. We expanded and turned our family van into a fully equipped crisis pregnancy center on wheels outside this abortion mill six days a week. It broke my heart to see women walking in like herds of cattle being led to the slaughter. I got up off my knees and decided we had to do more than just pray about the innocent slaughter of children; we had to be on these frontlines of this battle, Prov.24:11-12 Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter...", offering a real choice and real hope through Jesus Christ. And someone had to be there after the abortion to literally pick these broken women up off the ground telling them of God’s mercy and forgiveness through repentance.
Due to these efforts, since January 2000, Small Victories has saved over 1810 babies and 22 have been adopted to Christian families in our area, one little boy was adopted by a local couple in our town.
What changes their hearts is the truth of what abortion really is; that’s why we have a used ultrasound machine in our van. We are able to show them a beating heart 24 days after conception and stand strategically in front of this abortuary with the graphic signs. Many women after seeing what an aborted baby looks like, cannot go through with it. I explain to the them when they see their babies moving with fingers and toes, some actually sucking their thumbs, that their child is literally auditioning for his or her life. Fr. Frank Pavone encourages the usage of graphic signs, “It’s only after you see what abortion looks like, will you understand the controversy of what abortion is!” F. Pavone Priests for Life
Lauren 32 weeks pregnant-adoption “Baby Molly”, Doris 29 weeks pregnant-parenting “Baby Ricki”. Amy 24 weeks pregnant-adoption “Baby Clayton." Tiffany 20 weeks pregnant-parenting “Baby Toshanti”. Angela 13 weeks pregnant-adoption “Baby Adriel.” Annie 10 weeks pregnant-parenting “Baby Hannah”. Micki 8 weeks pregnant adoption “Baby Angela.” Rachel 22 weeks pregnant-parenting. Lisa 24 weeks pregnant-parenting-twins “Baby Angela & Hannah” Danielle 10 weeks pregnant-parenting “Baby “Michael”. Just a few of our small victories, but, in God’s eyes they are HUGE victories. “God does not call us to do great things, but to do small things with great love.” -Mother Teresa
In Christ’s love,
Angela Michael
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249