Traveling back north from Operation Save America’s recent national event in Jackson Mississippi, the Michael family ran into two familiar faces from the Granite City , Illinois deathcamp.
Ephesians 5:11 “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
We refueled in Blytheville , Arkansas of all places and who do we see exiting the restroom with a little boy in tow? The white haired, foul-mouth deathscort Steve Tharp from Hope Clinic and his female companion walking with two little girls.
It seems a little hypocritical for these two rabid deathscorts to be enjoying a summer afternoon outing with these young children, we presume were theirs, or relatives, but routinely on Saturdays in Granite City , Illinois they aggressively lead innocent babies to their slaughter. Their passion for innocent blood is demonic.
When they recognized us from the streets in Granite City the hot-headed deathscort began cursing and threatening to physically assault us in front of these three little children. The female companion pulled him to their vehicle. They shoved the children inside, the little boy was crying for a hamburger. They then drove off.
Proverbs 12:10 “The kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.”
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249