Why would the ACLU on behalf of feminist, pro-abortion doctor Allison Cowett of Chicago, IL join forces with the Hope chop-shop notoriously known as the Midwest’s largest, late-term abortion mill, where no parental consent is necessary and is the dumping ground for underage abortions here in Granite City, Illinois? Just follow the money trail. Isn’t the ACLU run by the same liberal mentality and character as ACORN? I believe it to be true. Why would you file a lawsuit after a federal court has already enacted the 1984 parental notification law in Illinois , which has been updated and stalled in the courts since 1995, just two weeks before it is to be enforced throughout Illinois abortion mills? Because it tells the public that the ACLU and Hope Clinic think they make better parents than those that are caring for and footing the bills of their underage teens. They have taken parents’ rights out of their hands for approximately 2-4 hours with each underage abortion, then kick the teens to the curb for their parents (who bear the responsibility in rearing them) and for society to deal with. Get the picture?
Most media publications, especially here in downstate Illinois, have run several shocking pieces on the tragedy of incidents where an underage daughter was forced or brought across state lines to abort without her parents’ presence or knowledge. In some cases, parents trying to intervene on behalf of their minor children have been detained or even arrested by local police in Granite City and then released only after the abortion is completed.
We have unfortunately held up many devastated mothers who were kept from their daughters inside Hope chop-shop for hours as the abortion mill assumed the role of parent in this agonizing decision and procedure, only to have their child returned to them hours later for them to have to deal with. It’s all about the evil and wickedness which abortion stands for.
Of course the money trail plays into it big time. Over 80 percent of Hope Clinic’s clients are teens and repeats. Hope Clinic and the abortion industry would have you believe that abortion is safe, legal, and rare. Oh yeah? Check into our website (Granite City ’s Underage Abortion Abyss) where we post daily documented reports with pictures. Hope Clinic knows who is buttering their bread. This has nothing to do with the welfare and safety of children as this lawsuit claims, but more to do with their wallets. Hope Clinic has consistently broken down the covenant between mother and daughter every time they assume the role as parent.
We recently aided Arkansas law enforcement with the capture and arrest of a 48 year old Arkansas man who was raping and abusing a 13 year old girl, and then bringing her to Hope Clinic to get rid of the evidence. Our photos of the day in question aided in his arrest. Statutory rape is on the books in all 50 states, yet it is not being enforced here in Illinois .
Why would we allow such nonsense? We don’t allow our daughters to have their ears pierced or their appendix removed without our consent or knowledge. Why would we allow them to undergo an invasive, serious, surgical procedure that can have life threatening affects? It just does not make sense, but it does add up to who Hope Clinic depends on to keep their lights on: underage minors.
“I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child - a direct killing of the innocent child - murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell others not to kill?” –Mother Teresa
Abortion destroys families…one child at a time.
Read related articles:
ACLU & Hope Abortion Clinic Target Illinois Parental-Notification Law
Clinic Takes On State’s Abortion Notification Law
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Highland, IL 62249