Miss Norma McCorvey & Angela
Angela & Savanah before March
delivering God's mail
in the March
Angela being interviewed
Youth Group Sign
Angela & Fr Chris on Constitution Ave
Randall Terry founder of Operation Rescue outside Supreme Court
the hypocrisy of Michelle Obama
Angela being interviewed
set up before Conference
before Conference setting up chairs
preparation, grabbing dinner, & returning calls before speech
Angela speaking
some of Life Really Matters audience
Angela speaking to waiting fans
Angela & fans
welcome home St. Louis
speaking to youth groups
Young pilgrims, we need you
“This is a world of compensations; and he who would be no slave, must consent to have no slave. Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, cannot long retain it.” ~Abraham Lincoln
Praise God we didn’t fly into a flock of birds! However, after landing in Washington D.C. for the March for Life, we ran into flocks of Obama revelers. It was a mad exodus of Obamanites still giddy from the festivities of the most pro-abortion, liberal, slick, Chicago politician, now President. Everywhere you looked there were little remnants of the Inauguration extravaganza. Thank God our handler was there to meet us at the gate with a sign reading “Angela Michael.” We were there at the invitation to be the featured speaker to thousands of youth groups, leaders, and ministers during the 36th annual March for Life at the Life Really Matters Conference.
The next morning, we were at the Hyatt Regency where we ran into Miss Norma McCorvey, of Roe No More Ministries. We later attended the March for Life. Notably, pro-life numbers had swelled. Everywhere you looked were groups and buses of pro-life warriors. It was a sea of pro-lifers that were converging on the national mall outside the Capitol. There was excitement in the air.
Various speakers were on the stage including March for Life organizer Nellie Gray. It was the same regurgitated spill from politicians. The same post-abortion groups show up every year, but you won’t see them outside most abortion mills after the annual march. We ran into Fr. Frank Pavone from Priests for Life. He always has a kind word of encouragement when we see him at such rallies. He, too, was impressed with our sign. The speeches had just about brought us to nauseam when his assistant Janet Morena went out of her way from the stage to give us a thumbs-up after viewing our message.
It was time to march, which we did. As we traveled up to Constitution Ave , many from the media interviewed us and took our photo. As we marched we were packed in like sardines; there were so many marchers. Along the way, we ran into pro-life veterans such as Joe Schiedler, director of Pro-life Action League, who was thankful we were there and told us to pray for the new President. At the Supreme Court we laid roses and we met up with the founder of Operation Rescue, Randall Terry and his beautiful family. He was on a loud speaker telling marchers, “It doesn’t end here. We must march to our local abortion mills and do more.” We shared the same sentiments. We stood in front of the United States Capitol as close as the capitol police would let us stand and others were taking our picture. “That’s the best sign here!” one man shouted.
What was so surprising was the attention our sign was getting from the media, onlookers, secret service police, and administration. The Lord gave us this message February 10, 2007 in Springfield , IL where Barack Obama announced his intent to run for President of the United States . We felt this was a good time to deliver God’s mail to the newly elected President.
The irony of Obama being the first Black American president is that had this election been cast in the 19th century, he wouldn’t have even been allowed to vote. Black Americans were considered non persons, just like babies are considered non persons today. Abolitionists were the ones who fought for the slaves under Lincoln ’s administration, whereas today you have baby abolitionists fighting for the rights of unborn babies who are enslaved inside their mothers’ wombs.
Barack Hussein Obama took an oath to uphold the Constitution and the first inalienable right-the right to life. You cannot enjoy liberty and the pursuit of happiness without the first. Obama is a judgment from God against the Church. God only gave us what this nation asked for. 1 Samuel 8. Maybe the election of the most liberal, pro-abortion, slick, Chicago politician, now President is the best thing that could have happened to the pro-life movement since the Clinton administration.
Finally with the threats of the Freedom of Choice Act legislation being shoved down our throats, maybe it will cause the Church to wake up from its slumber and take its rightful position in this battle, that being out of the building and on the front lines. Abortion will end when the Church of Jesus Christ says it will end and not one second sooner. It’s up to you and me. Let us not look to Congress to do what the Church has been ordained to do.
We hooked up with Fr. Chris Comeford, a local pastor who unashamedly stands for the babies and valiantly stood with us for a while. He gave us an appropriate pin which read, “You can’t just say you’re pro-life, you have to act like it.” Amen! The hour was getting late; we had a speaking engagement. We got back to the hotel in time to grab a bite to eat, go over notes, answer some messages, and check in on the family back home. We ran to the conference room and it was the size of four ball rooms as the crew was arranging the seats and the band was setting up. It was a little intimidating to speak to such a large group, but when God tells you to do something, you “Go ye.”
Bam! It was show time. We walked into the auditorium and it was full of pro-life people and gear. Amazing! After a great introduction, we walked up to the stage and began giving the audience “heaven”. I held the sign we marched with through the streets of DC: “What if his Momma had aborted Obama? Life really matters!” Don’t you think it’s a little hypocritical to be pro-choice after you have already been born Mr. President?
We introduced a short showcase of our ministry outside the largest late-term abortion mill in the Midwest and went into Hannah Noelle’s testimony. There were ooh’s and aah’s from this massive audience. “Turn to your neighbor and tell them you love them. Really? Would you lay your life down for that person next to you?” I asked them. We shared analogies of rescue and the implications of rescuing babies. This drew applause. In closing, we thanked them for coming to DC and the visibility of over 300,000 took our breath away as we marched in unison for life.
“Young pilgrims, we need you. We need your enthusiasm and ideas and your bodies. After we march in DC we need to take the proclaiming line outside every local extermination camp in your cities and stand for life where babies can really be saved. We will never win the battle from the top down, that being here in Washington DC . Abortion is not a political issue; it’s a moral issue. We have to fight from the bottom up- that is a grassroots effort outside the abortion mills. I’m going to where we can really save babies and change hearts.
It’s up to you and I to rebuild a culture of life, to restore respect for one’s self and one another. Your character will be determined by what you listen to, what movies you watch, what kind of music you listen to, and who you hang around with. Remember, a gift will get you anywhere in life, your character will keep you there.”
We closed with a short video of our ministry and chronicling our baby daughter’s lifesong up to date. Before it was over, they gave us a standing ovation of applause. We exited the stage with help through a side door into the lobby where we had a few minutes to compose ourselves for the huge, overflowing reception. It was truly a humbling experience. Kids, leaders, and parents were standing in line to meet or thank us and asking to take our photos with them. Quite the honor. One man in line compared us to the next American Idol hysteria that has just begun its 8th season. We jokingly laughed.
Though all hell may be breaking out all around us, Lord, You brought us through it to deliver a message of real hope and encouragement to future generations. As we write this report, a snow and ice storm is underway. One of the worst we have experienced. Thank you Lord, that You delivered us safely from DC before the inclement weather, and You kept Your promise: You provided for all our needs which we are truly grateful for. You placed generous hearts across our paths. “Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” Genesis 28:15
Being blessed with a heart of an adventurer held in God’s hands keeps us valiant, curious, and brave, without exception, without compromise, without apology. Thank you Jesus!
Be encouraged~ Angela
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249