It all began on a quiet Sunday evening. The pregnant girl left a message; she had finally decided to place her baby up for adoption. She wanted a closed adoption, which means she didn’t want to know the sex of the baby or anything. "It will be easier this way," she said. I returned her call later that night to secure a time the following day when we could speak at length. Matter of fact, we had several long conversations on the phone. She was now living up north; we were told the Bloomington area which turned out not to be true. More like Chicago! Anyway, we were pressed for more incubating time as she was due very soon. It was during my second conversation with “Jenna” that the Lord spoke to me and told me it was a male child. I kept that to myself. The next day I placed a couple of adoptive parents profiles in the mail to get things started, but I knew more than likely we were looking at a road trip not only to deliver adoptive couples portfolios, but also to get to know this girl a little bit better than just talking over the phone. A good friend offered to drive me up north as she's familiar with the area; a real blessing.
Unfortunately, we were also expecting more bad weather, so we had to work around the anticipated snowstorms about to hit us. Thank goodness her schedule was pretty flexible, and we could do it. We headed up there on a Sunday morning, met the young girl, gave her the profiles and spoke in depth to her about the adoption process, making sure this was what she really wanted. This young girl seem pretty sure of herself and by all appearances was resigned that this was the best option for her and the baby. We got back on the highway and headed back home. The weather was changing again; for the worse. The next evening the young girl called me to let me know that she had made her decision on which couple. By that time I was beginning to feel pretty lousy as influenza A,B&C had been making it’s rounds.
I returned her call and she informed me of who she wanted the baby to go to and I told her I would let them know in the morning. As it was getting late we all retired for the evening, or so we thought. Sometime after midnight I got the call; my husband woke me to tell me she was going into labor! At that point there was really nothing we could do. I knew I was unable to drive anywhere in my ill condition, so we would have to wait this out. “Jenna” called me ten minutes later in distress telling me that the baby was coming. I assured her that everything would be okay. A family member was with her. I left word with the nurses at the hospital about the pending adoption. I instructed the young girl to inform the staff at her admittance. Only ten minutes after they arrived at the hospital the baby was born. It’s a boy! He appeared healthy and a good weight. A head full of hair. Birthmother was resting comfortably.
As soon as dawn arrived I was up and on the phone, checking with the hospital; talking with social workers. Everything was okay. Then I had to call the couple that was chosen . The wife answered the phone. I asked her how close she had been to getting a baby through all the adoption agencies she had forked thousands of dollars into? I asked her if she had any prospects? She said “No, they were corresponding with a girl in China, but weren’t sure if she was even pregnant." "So our ministry is probably the closest you have been in achieving a baby?” “Yes." ( That’s God!) I then asked if she was sitting down. I then let her know that she and her husband had been chosen for this baby! I also had to let her know that, by the way, the baby came five and a half hours ago. She responded that she “couldn't believe it." Then once the initial shock wore off I explained to them the procedure and the next step; what they needed to do and where the hospital was located; about getting the lawyers involved, and social workers. They still were stunned that this was happening, and being first-time adoptive parents you can understand, but it's all good. I hung up the phone after congratulating them, and went on to start my day as it was "midnight abortions" Tuesday at the abortion mill. Besides, I needed to keep my mind busy as there was nothing more I could do from my end at the moment. So, I prayed that this couple would make it up north before the next storm hit us; an arctic blast that was supposed to dump another 5 or 6 inches of snow. I called before I left for the abortion mill to make sure that they were on their way. They were still packing and understandably still couldn't believe that they were parents, Their families were so excited! I told them to contact me once they got there, which they promised to do and I went on to the abortion mill. It never fails, you would think this treacherous weather would keep abortion minded women at home, but to the contrary. I guess they don’t expect anyone to be standing in the arctic weather pleading mercy for their babies. Oh well..
So, in a blinding snowstorm outside the Granite City abortion mill we pleaded mercy for the innocent babies scheduled to die. One precious Illinois mother listened to our pleas and saved her 10 week old baby. She rolled down her window and told me that she "was more concerned about us being out there in the cold." I replied, “We’re that innocent baby’s voice." She thanked us as they left. Praise God! Very cold! Brrr! Cars from CA,TX, FL, MO, IL.
We carefully navigated our way back home as the snow kept falling and the roads were getting worse. Once home I called to hear the couple was almost to their destination, and the weather was horrible. They would call me once there and settled . Exactly three hours and fifteen minutes later our phone rang; it was them. “Cori and Steve," were sitting in the baby nursery at the hospital on speaker phone. Cori said “Angela, we’re here, and I haven’t let go of him since we arrived over an hour and a half ago. Angela, he’s so precious.” God had given me a word to share with the couple. They would be talking with our attorneys in the morning. The next few days would be hard as the birthmother would relinquish her custody and terminate her rights to the baby, but she felt this was the best thing for both of them. I asked her why she waited so long, she told me, “she wanted to kill the baby , but her family convinced her abortion was not the answer and to put the baby up for adoption." Thank you, Lord! We have since received several messages from the couple concerning the new addition to their family. They are ecstatic.
Daniel and Angela,
“We just wanted to send pictures of our son “Gage Matthew” We cannot Thank You enough for making our dreams come true. This little boy is amazing! We are so blessed. Thank You!!!
And another:
“Thank you!!!!! We love him so much and feel so blessed. We could never have made this happen without you guys."
Throughout this wonderful event it’s amazing how God can pull things together and work them out, especially in such a short amount of time. Of course our little girl was not happy that we didn’t bring this baby home for her, but there will be more.:) For awhile I questioned the adoption, but someone was praying for us, and finally I felt a sense of peace come over us several days into the process. It's hard when you are the person who has to make the calls to the other childless couples that were turned down, but we encouraged them not to give up; "Keep praising God and praying for that miracle." This was our 45th adoption. We gave God the glory throughout it all. Until God opens the next door, keep praising Him in the hallway!
Philippians 4:6-7 “Rejoice, let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ."
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249