"God call us to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable". With that being said, it appears that the "truth is hate to those who hate the truth,".. they only want positive messages. Here is one for the books : Today in the bitter cold, we stood as the sun was rising outside the abortion mill in Granite City, Illinois. Cars mostly from MO., a few IL., one North Carolina. Some were from the day before.
We spoke to a couple from Illinois staring at our graphic sign . She started crying as we gently offered her another picture of her baby. We pointed to the ultrasound van and our precious babies pictured. She listened when we said, “Women don't need abortion, they need Jesus”,. Second later they ran up to the abortion mill door and went inside. A few minutes later, all three came back out. The male cursed, "Jesus sucks"! at us. The woman looked up into my face and tears were streaming down her face said, "Thank you, I'm not doing it". He was angry and pulled off the lot passing us. One precious baby saved.
As we pulled into a truck stop / gas station on our way home, a woman came from her car knocked on my window and proceeded to tell me a testimony. She said,
“I just wanted to thank you. I have a testimony. I see you all here every week getting gas, I raised 4 kids”, she named them and their ages,
“I taught them right and even bought protection for them if needed, but my 15 yr old came home couple months ago, she was 5 wks preg. I was tore up,..but I remembered your van, and I kept thinking about what it said”, "Rescuing babies, changing hearts, saving lives, one at a time,"
and she started tearing up,
“I just wanted to tell you "WE NEED MORE SMALL VICTORIES, and we kept the baby" . I just wanted to tell you that ".
I got out of the ultrasound van and embraced this messenger that God sent today to give us a shot of encouragement and another sign of confirmation.. You see, sometimes friends, we may not be comfortable with hearing or seeing the truth, but the truth is always necessary. The
“truth” sets us free. Sometimes the
"truth" is more important than money or friends, and of course,
"real friends", can handle the truth. It's always been that way.
Thank you friends, for your love and support. Be at peace. Go out into the world and make a difference. <*)))><
Be encouraged ~Angela
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249