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New Year’s Baby Found Dead

February 12, 2024

January 1, 2010

Written by Angela Michael

Editor’s Note:  In trying to obtain the 911 tapes of this tragic event under the FOIA, we have learned this baby was brought to a Catholic hospital located in Creve Coeur , Missouri , a suburb of Saint Louis . The 16 year old mother was also from Missouri . The reason why most of the revenue coming into this late-term slaughterhouse is from Missouri is because there are more restrictions in Missouri , such as parental notification, a 24- hour waiting period, and they don’t allow late-term abortion. Do you see why the parental notification law passed in 1984 needs to be mandated and enforced in Illinois , instead of being tied up in the courts as it is currently?

This baby did not have to die! 

A fresh blanket of snow covered the ground as a speeding ambulance chased down a two lane country road in the cold night, leading to a metro-area hospital transporting a newborn baby boy. He had been born within the hour and first-responders were working feverishly to revive his tiny body. Inside the emergency room they were met with resuscitation equipment, but it was too late. He was pronounced dead on arrival.

Another late-term botched abortion. The mother, a 16 year old, delivered him in the toilet after starting her three-day abortion procedure over at Granite City’s little slaughterhouse, Hope Clinic for Women, on Tuesday. Missouri abortionist and former felon Allen Palmer was the hired assassin. She stated that the abortion staff kept giving her injections. The next night, she went into full term labor, went into the bathroom, and delivered her baby boy into the cold waters of the toilet. She left him to call Hope Clinic. She notified the on call person of the situation. They told her to, “Bring the baby in a bag back to the clinic in the morning.” She panicked and called 911.

At the hospital, emergency personnel took one look at the baby and were saddened and disgusted. They listened to the mother’s abortion sequence and the abortion mill’s response to her emergency home delivery. Just on appearances, this little one was perfectly formed, but dead on arrival. He was 3 lbs.5 oz. 31 weeks gestation. In nine weeks he would have been considered full-term.


The hospital has called for a full investigation. Illinois supposedly does not allow babies to be killed after viability at 24 weeks, so we have placed several calls to local law enforcement demanding a thorough investigation. Who is policing and regulating abortion mills in Illinois ? No one. Do we expect the abortion mill to use the scout’s honor code? That’s like asking the fox to guard the hen house.

This baby would have survived. It appears his mother let him drown. She told paramedics she couldn’t handle picking him up out of the toilet, so she left him to die. He was a boy. The abortion mill may try and soothe her and buy her silence. They will whisper, “You just had a miscarriage.” I would agree partly; it was a terrible miscarriage of justice for that little boy. Who will be his voice? The revelers are busy with welcoming the new year and the world will go on, but I don't know how much longer God's justice can sleep while such savagery abounds.

This horrific incident did not have to happen, but it does every day across our nation, especially inside late-term slaughterhouses such as Hope Clinic. The abortion mill gets by with murder and makes a lot of money off it. Not only do the death merchants make money off of the abortion fee, but they turn around and sell the baby’s body for medical research and cosmetic firms. That is why they told her to bring the baby back in a bag to the clinic the following day.

This is despicable. Just hours from putting the old year away, and looking forward to welcoming the New Year… This is a wakeup call. This has not only traumatized the young mother for having to face the truth of what she did and having to peer at her little boy’s face lying in the toilet, but also to the first responders who are trained to rescue and save lives. Abortion is evil. It has a rippling effect on everyone involved, even the innocent bystander sworn to preserve and save lives and do no harm. 

Sadly, this didn’t make the headlines or evening news, due to an oxymoron word called “choice”.  It has outraged this hospital. Hopefully they will not be intimidated by the abortionist and his empire, or their silenced sealed. They need to pursue this complaint and hold the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation accountable for the discrepancies and inhumane treatment inside abortion mills such as Hope Clinic and the less than standard medical ethics. Clean house inside Granite City ’s little slaughterhouse, Hope Clinic for Women. Medical professionals know that abortion is the “red-light” district of medicine. Pray for all those involved, especially the eyewitnesses to this senseless event that they have the courage to persevere in their duty to expose the barbaric death of this baby, no matter the cost.

Let this little boy’s short life not fade in vain; let it make a difference in Illinois and in society on how we treat the weakest among us. Let his voice be the messenger. This atrocity must stop! We must bring sanity back into the picture. “What an irony that a society confronted with plastic bags filled with the remains of aborted babies should be more concerned about the problem of recycling the plastic.” -W. Egan

This is morally and ethically wrong! Anyone with a working heart knows this is wrong. This is not healthcare. With the acceptance of each and every abortion the conscience of our nation is dying. There are two victims in every abortion: A dead baby and a dead conscience. But the Lord tells us in scriptures:


“If a man is found slain, lying in a field in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess, and it is not known who killed him, your elders and judges shall go out and measure the distance from the body to the neighboring towns. Then the elders of the town nearest the body shall take a heifer that has never been worked and has never worn a yoke and lead her down to a valley that has not been plowed or planted and where there is a flowing stream. There in the valley they are to break the heifer’s neck. The priests, the sons of Levi, shall step forward, for the Lord your God has chosen them to minister and to pronounce blessings in the name of the Lord and to decide all cases of dispute and assault. Then all the elders of the town nearest the body shall wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken in the valley, and they shall declare: ‘Our hands did not shed this blood, nor did our eyes see it done. Accept this atonement for your people Israel , whom you have redeemed, O Lord, and do not hold your people guilty of the blood of an innocent man.’”

Who then shall atone for this innocent baby boy’s blood? 

Innocent blood has a voice, and that voice cries out for justice.



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