Hi Angela and Daniel,
I just wanted to praise God for your van and the ultra sound you have in there that saves babies from being aborted, and especially for the twins whose lives were saved today! Thank you for coming over and letting us know for sure, as I was praying, crying, and watching the entire time, (over by Larry and the group beside the clinic, praying the rosary) and saw the young couple go in there and the man from the abortion clinic (escort) go chasing them down! If we would have done that to them, we’d have been arrested and thrown in jail. Thanks be to God we are a calm and prayerful group who doesn’t get angry and upset like they do.
I sure hope and pray you will post it soon on your website and also tell Shawn Carney and David Bereit from 40 Days for Life that twins were saved today. You do get his daily email, correct? I wanted to email Shawn and let him know, but was wondering if you wanted to tell him…. Such a huge blessing and a grace from God to have that van there with you to do the ultra sound, I know, all in God’s plan. Praising Him constantly today for being a witness and a prayer warrior for LIFE!
Keep up the excellent work and prayers!
God’s peace and blessing upon the Michael’s family,
Jan Brennan
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249