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February 23, 2024

April 2016

Written by Angela Michael

This past April 16, 2016 another late term abortion client was rushed from Hope abortion Clinic across the river to Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri to save her life after a two day abortion procedure.  Saturday was day 2 of her abortion. Many of the clients were inside by 6:50 a.m. instead of the usual 8:00 am opening time. Several cars were from Friday , including this butchered woman’s which still sat on the parking lot as the ambulance arrived. Abortionist Yogendra Shah was already inside. His usual arrival time is 10:30 a.m. This just told us these clients were more than likely precipitating , delivering their unborn babies earlier, than scheduled.


It was around 12:20 p.m., when the ambulance pulled up in front for the remaining prolifer to witness. Most, including our ultrasound van had left for the day. The abortion clinic tries to wait and hold hemorrhaging  abortion clients inside until there are no witnesses. This jeopardizes the welfare of these injured women, because the abortion mill doesn’t  want you to  know about their risky and negligent care. The only thing they care bout is the money and what day to schedule abortion.


We have warned women for years, decades of the gross negligence and filthy conditions inside this slaughterhouse. Just read the many articles on our website. We take photos for a reason to show the truth of what abortion looks like and to tell the truth of what happens at the abortion mill in Granite City, Illinois. The reason Hope Clinic has to  take their butchered clients to Missouri, is there is a transfer agreement with hospitals in Illinois now, that all emergency rooms must report any abortion complications they receive. Gateway Regional Hospital is less than 100 feet across from the abortion mill. This past  year the state of Illinois reported only a few transfers that came across the street from Hope Clinic. If they all came, as they have in the past years, this would be a red flag to the state health officials and they would have to do something. According to law, the abortionist license is to be  pulled for a period of time, and an investigation.  Illinois is so corrupt, I  don’t ever think that would happen. Even if 48 bodies of butchered abortion clients lay in their parking lot. Sad. Another concern is the FOIA reporting. Hope Clinic can by pass this as they call in their private ambulance service, not 911 so know one has any knowledge of another abortion client butchered. This is bad for business. Former abortion worker informed us that Hope Clinic’s worst fears are ambulances pulling up to their doors, and lawsuits.  But they also want women to believe this is safe and rare “healthcare” of all things. These are just the abortion complications we catch. Think of how many more go on without any witnesses.


Luke 8:17  “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open”.

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