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Exposing the Pretend Salt - "Conservatism"

February 2, 2024

The Devil on FOX

Written by Angela Michael

March 2007

A commercial aired Saturday night on the Fox News network at approximately 9:45 pm central time advertising the largest Midwest abortion mill, Hope Clinic for Women in Granite City, Illinois featuring assistant education director Allison Hile, chief bag n' tagger Ryan Goski (only male employee), and a new junior abortionist, possibly a relative of Yogendra Shah, appearing to be of Indian descent. To learn more about Hope Clinic go to or


We are requesting prayers and contact FOX News and let them know what hypocrisy this is for a conservative news station to advertise for the largest baby butchering mill in the Midwest on their network.


It's the same pitiful example as supernova preacher Rick Warren who wrote the bestseller "The Purpose Driven Life" inviting the most liberal, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Illinois Senator and Presidential candidate Barak Obama into the pulpit to preach to thousands to embrace his views and lead more sheep astray.


A sister warrior on the battlefield for lives has shared a common thought with those of us on the frontlines in this battle:


"For those of you who haven't noticed, there aren't many things that make me more upset than when professing Christians have their children slaughtered. How dishonoring to our Lord, and what a terrible witness it gives the REAL Christians...not to mention that the abortionists think they're getting away with murdering true covenant children. One of them has even told me, 'My favorite babies to kill are Christian babies.' What a sad state the church (visible church) in America today is in! If there will ever be revival in our land, it will start in the must start in the churches."  ~Patte Smith


The devil's time here on earth is short and he will try to slip in and devour as many as he can to keep his blood line going. He will even slip into the airwaves. If abortion is acceptable on FOX News then it is acceptable anywhere. The devil delights in this. Let your voices be heard. We must expose evil. God calls us to be the salt and the light.


Revelation 12:9-10 "The great dragon was hurled down- that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth and his angels with him...the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down."


Revelation 12:12 "Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."


FOX News contact information: 888-369-4762 &    contact early, contact often!


 Be encouraged~ Angel

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