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February 12, 2024

Truth is Not Hidden at the Granite City Labor Day Parade 2010

September 2010

Written by Angela Michael

“For He who avenges blood remembers; He does not ignore the cry of the afflicted. Psalm 9:12


What better a forum than the annual socialist parade to expose the abomination this town coexists with, and to remind the politicians and union workers, “This is what you support.”


“I don’t agree with it…but why do we have to see it?” commented one woman walking by not wanting to share in the responsibility of being her brother’s keeper.


Our remnant arrived and we noticed that our restricted area was no more. Praise God! It was a “Book of Daniel” moment; we were literally once again going in the lion’s den. We opened in prayer and decided on signs to get the message out to this City of Slaughter ; then we split our team and took dominion on both sides of the festival about to begin rolling down the parade route. We were the messengers standing in the gap hoping hearts would be stirred and scales removed from this apathetic town where child sacrifice has existed for over 36 years. Granite City ’s police chief greeted us and we engaged in some chit chat. Proclaimer Helen thanked the police for their protection as they stood along their post by us.


In years past, certain parade vehicles tried to cover our signs up to hide the message we brought, but last year God inspired us to hold banners up above the prejudiced vehicles attempting to block us. Praise God, we did it again this year. We brought more powerful banners. And yes, Granite City parade officials, paramedics, ambulances, even a fire truck tried to conceal the mighty warriors, but failed. The truth went forth. Participants, marchers, laborers, and politicians could not turn their faces from the ugly truth as they have in years past as our message was on both sides of the streets. 


There was a lot of reaction, both good and bad. Some people were displeased and some let us know. Only one woman on a float tried to hit us with hard candy as she threw it directly at our faces.     


This year we received even more positive acknowledgements from the marchers and participants. Some were unaware of the human slaughterhouse only two blocks over from us. Many thanked us for being a witness at this parade and gave us a thumbs up as they passed us. Our banners read: “Stop Abortion in Granite City ,” and, “A Nation That Kills its Own Children is a Nation Without Hope.” Across the street were the graphic signs and a banner which read: “I am an American. America, it’s time to protect our children,” picturing a 20 week old baby in the womb. On average, this is the age at which most babies are being aborted in Granite City , a no restrictions, late-term abortion mill site.


Since this socialist parade in the past has promoted “American made,” addressed child labor laws, and integrated more of the Black American population into this event, we geared our signs and messages towards them. There were fewer Black Americans marching in the parade this year compared to years past, but those in attendance could not help but gravitate their eyes to the signs Cathy held onto, even as some knuckleheads in their parade vehicles tried to block our presentation. One read: “#1 killer of Black Americans is ABORTION.” Even a decorated vehicle carrying an Elvis impersonator pointed to our signs and was “ALL SHOOK UP”.


The float full of empty rocking horses was prophetic. Laborers were displaying their handiwork, but we asked, “Where have all the children gone that should be on those rocking horses?” We have allowed a child slayer in our midst for over 36 years. We, God’s people, have given our approval by the silence of our lips and the lack of action in this community. Throwing money at a dormant pregnancy center doesn’t get you off the hook either. The officials, the pastors, and the community as a whole have allowed the devil to roam and shed blood throughout the streets of this City of Slaughter . While the Mayor and city fathers are building monuments to themselves and the churches are getting fatter, this blood-soaked city is dying from the sin of bloodguilt.


Granite City, let alone our nation, has become defiled by the shedding of innocent blood. This innocent blood demands atonement. We are the messengers, the Ezekiels, the Jeremiahs standing in the gap for the innocent, warning the inhabitants that there are murderers among us. Their city is responsible for purging itself of the guilt of shedding innocent blood. Deuteronomy 21:1-9.  There is a cost to atonement. Innocent blood has a voice; that voice cries out from the ground for justice. Genesis 4:10 “…Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” 


The elders in this town cannot say that they did not know of it or did not see it. It’s in the plain sight of most of the churches in Granite City ; a clear shot across from the only hospital in this community. They cannot wash their hands as did Pontius Pilate in Jesus’ crucifixion and murder.


The parade primarily consisted of laborers, politicians, and very few floats. After the last horse trotted by us, we gathered to close in prayer asking God to stir the hearts in this city into action, and to remove the scales from the eyes of this apathetic town.  The culpability of the slaughter of innocents and the responsibility for direct action multiplies. We are to, “Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11. Inaction is indifference. Silence kills. Bloodguilt requires a reckoning with the Lord. Only through our true repentance, prayers, and offerings can God expunge the innocent blood from our streets. He then can bestow forgiveness upon this city and heal our land.

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