From February 20th through March 20th, 33 babies were saved from death at Hope Clinic in Granite City, Illinois WITHOUT a 40 Days for Life vigil.
March 2012
Written By: Angela Michael
The best part is NOBODY had to pay $200.00 to stand and pray!
Small Victories Ministry, a Christian-based mobile ultrasound/pregnancy outreach, which has been embedded outside the Midwest’s largest late-term abortion mill for 20 years, has confirmed 33 abortion-minded mothers have changed their minds and decided to keep their babies. God has truly blessed Small Victories and the few volunteers that stand daily with this frontline ministry.
Over 20 moms have received ultrasounds and counseling during this time and many have received baby supplies and financial help as well. Yes, immediate help on the spot without filling out forms and taking classes to qualify for assistance. Imagine that. We refer to these mothers as “saves,” and our ministry did not selectively help these mothers choose life for their babies depending on a variety of variables, including which trimester they were in.
Question: Why would anyone pay $200.00 to pray outside an abortion mill? That is exactly what 40 Days for Life requires to be a part of their national campaign. Granted, all abortion mills need daily prayer, but to pay $200.00 is nonsense! What are you paying for? A name? Access to pc modules? You don’t even get the 40 Days signs free! You pay for everything to advertise 40 Days. It’s the biggest sham besides “cash-cow” pregnancy centers, Small Victories, on the other hand, has always been “OUT-OF-THE-BOX,” and we actually have cash cow pregnancy centers to thank for our morphing out of the building and into the streets. Yes, ministering in the streets, just like Jesus did.
But our point is that you don’t have to and shouldn’t be propping up these pro-life organizations who are there to make money off the backs of those who have blazed the trail for them to enjoy their liberties outside abortion mills. Babies can be saved without paying $200.00; we are living proof of it. Yes, it’s always good to get the right kind of people outside facilities where children are being slaughtered, but to charge people $200.00 each campaign to do what every Christian should be doing, as we are our brother’s keeper…that’s just wrong.
Years ago, it was our vision to wake up the local church which, unfortunately, has been a sleeping giant when it comes to the Midwest's largest late-term baby dumping mill. For far too long it appears there seemed to be a secret covenant between the local churches and this abortion mill basically saying, “You don’t bother me, and I won’t bother you.”
Theologian and philosopher Francis Schaeffer said, “The sign outside the abortion mill should read: “THIS ABORTION MILL STAYS OPEN BY PERMISSION OF THE LOCAL CHURCHES.” Granite City, the City of Slaughter, has bowed down to this giant abomination in their own backyard; and you can see why, as the baby killing mill brings a lot of revenue into this financially struggling steel mill town. As a result, harassment and intimidation tactics are brought against those who stand in opposition. They can threaten to make your life a living hell. But our ministry, for decades, has fought through all that. We fear God, not man. We are, however, imported foot soldiers. In our daily Christian witness to this city and residents, we have tried to engage them in rising up and reclaiming what the enemy has stolen by being the salt and light in a dark edge of town.
Yes, it has always been one of our goals to encourage local churches and pastors to unite in a prayerful and peaceful effort "outside" the local abortion mill until its doors are finally closed, but without paying money to do so! And, isn't it amazing that over 30 babies have been saved during the national 40 Days for Life spring campaign, and Granite City was not one of the campaign sites? It proves that you can save lives and get community awareness and church involvement without paying to participate.
Finally, nothing tugs more at your heartstrings and opens your purse strings than the thought of an unborn child being saved at death’s doors. But our ministry has been doing this for decades, and never did it enter our minds to make people pay money to stand and pray outside this abortion mill to achieve this goal. Sometimes, the ugly truth needs to be exposed and sadly the “pay to pray” scam falls into that category.
It has been such a blessing to save over 4000 babies in our years of dedication and selfless service. We never knew what the Lord had in store for us 20 years ago when we started standing, but we knew He had a plan. We just needed to listen and obey.
“That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified” 1 Thessalonians 4:6.
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Just a few of the mothers and babies saved...
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