But the dark cannot claim what light does not surrender C. L. Wilson
There’s a direct relationship between moral values and behavior and the way the country goes. Here in Illinois, we are in the final hours of being a state with a thimble full of moral decency. Like I surmised, the latest progressive abortion bills are being finalized as we speak. The Democrats tried to pass them under our noses in the wee hours over the weekend: Memorial Day weekend. We knew their dirty tricks. At least some Republicans called them out. At a moment’s notice, faithful prayer warriors mobilized and sped off to the capital in Springfield in protest. I thank those who have fought, wrote, called, and rallied for life. But I realized long ago, that evil cannot be regulated. The devil is on the warpath. He knows his time on earth is short. He has come to kill, to rob, to destroy. When will the CHURCH wake up? Evil doesn't obey laws. When will the CHURCH show up and do what it has already been ordained to do? This is a MORAL problem and it has to be fought where children are being murdered. The government is not our moral compass. The government is corrupt. How can we depend on them to stop this? Nobody has the right to take a life, but that is what is happening. “Abortion” has become the modern day “SLAVERY.” Mothers can enslave their unborn babies and decide their fate on a whim. So, I guess it’s okay to be a “slave owner” nowadays, right? Now that Illinoisans have all this knowledge, what are they going to do? How much more corrupt can Illinois and its politicians get? Full term abortions; underage abortions with no parental consent, and all on Illinois’ taxpayers’ dime. That’s right! We pay for all 50 states LIMITLESS abortions due to a loophole. What a state, Illinois, and in particular, Granite City, which is now “America’s Abortion Capital”. Yes, we now have 5 abortionists inside Hope Clinic in Granite City, IL. They kill on average 40-50 babies a day, 5-6 days a week. And, with new laws or amendments, anyone can kill babies inside Hopeless. Here, I thought back alley abortions were why we needed Roe V. Wade. I thought the thought of anyone but a licensed physician performing an invasive surgical procedure on a pregnant woman was considered a “dirty back alley abortionist,” “scum” of the medical community. Gee, how times have changed and progressives can rewrite history to their liking. Roe V. Wade was created on a lie, thrives on lies, and survives on lies; Norma McCorvey, the “Roe” of this infamous decision came forward and recanted her lie. She was forced to lie and say she was raped and needed an abortion by her radical leftist attorneys. She was not raped, never aborted her baby, and went on to place all three up for adoption. She converted to Christianity and became prolife and fought each day for life until her death. Understand, abortion was pushed to allow women to have reckless sex with no consequences for their actions; and irresponsible men love it this way. With elective abortions, they get sex and are off the hook for it. This is sin, not healthcare. As for the life of a mother, most, if not all physicians agree; you don’t have to take a life in order to save a life. If the latter was true, a physician would perform an emergency cesarean section. More lies! What’s even more concerning is the “cover-up” of negligent abortionists inside Hope Clinic. Listen, all this stuff has been going on inside Hope Clinic for decades. We have documented the lack of enforcement of mandatory reporting of underage abortions, forced abortions, and child predators bringing young girls for abortions. We have exposed the injustice of parents being arrested for trying to stop abortions after finding out their daughter is missing from school or another party is forcing them inside to abort their grandchild. We have also documented and filmed ambulances picking up injured women from Hope Clinic, and not taking them across the street to the local Granite City hospital, Gateway Regional, but privately hiring Abbott ambulance firm to haul hemorrhagic women across state lines to a hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, Barnes Jewish, to patch them up, get them back on the highway, where there are no 9-1-1 calls, or a paper trail to show the abuse/ negligence inside Hope Clinic. Why? More lies! I read the billboard; it stated “safe” abortions. Really? Why the cover up? Where’s the transparency? You see, the hospital across from Hope Clinic was treating so many injured/ suffering women from “legal abortions”, that they were flagged by the state and forced to report any abortion complications transported to Gateway Hospital or any IL hospital to the Health Department in Springfield, Illinois. Now with proposed new laws, there will be NO reporting of any maimed women coming from Hope Clinic or any Illinois abortion facility. No inspections of abortion mills, and no reporting of abortion stats. Again, Why? Do we let bad physicians continue doing bad medical procedures on patients repeatedly? No, the state would shut them down. A tattoo parlor or veterinarian has more oversight then an abortion mill in Illinois. Why is abortion treated so differently? Because abortion is the most unregulated, lucrative industry in this nation. It has nothing to do with “protecting women or HEALTH CARE.” It’s about the almighty dollar. It is our national sin. In our 26 years of Small Victories ministering outside this abortion mill, we have seen it all. Bottom line is elective abortion is being used for birth control. PERIOD! Roe V. Wade was never meant to be a woman’s right to murder her offspring for convenience sake, but that’s what abortion has turned into. There are consequences for your actions. Maybe it’s time to act morally responsible and have some dignity for one’s self. Your “reproductive rights end at conception.” You have the right to control your body by practicing abstinence, use birth control, place the baby up for adoption, or parenting the child; not to murder another human being. As for God’s people, now is not the time to give up, but instead to dig our heals in and fight even harder for a respect for life, born and unborn, and restore FULL protection to preborn babies. We need to get active and loud. Prayers are needed, but we have allowed over 60 million babies to be murdered. Over 13,104 this past year in Granite City, Illinois. There comes a time that God will not hear our prayers because our hands, the CHURCH’s hands, are so full of innocent blood, that God refuses to hear our prayers. Isaiah 1:15 It’s always harder for crimes to be committed when there are witnesses. Murdering helpless human beings is a heinous crime. A mother is supposed to be a baby’s fiercest protector, but now she is the perpetrator and what was the safest place for an unborn baby is now the most deadliest. Rookie Governor J.B.Pritzer said he wanted to be the "most progressive state on abortion”; he kept his word. Ashamed of Illinois.
“Godliness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people”. Proverbs 14:34
PO Box 143
Highland, IL 62249