The new Hope Clinic abortionist Erin King Eisenburg (pictured center here with her serial baby killer husband David) has gone on record in butchering a late-term baby and mutilating the mother this past week inside Hope Clinic slaughterhouse, located in Granite City, Illinois. This botched abortion began Tuesday, the 16th under the watch of new manager Tamara Threlkeld. The following day around 2 pm in the afternoon, two butcherettes, death camp director, Tamara Threlkeld and operations manager, Debbie Weidhardt covered the girl from head to toe to conceal her identity as they rushed her on a gurney across the street from the abortion mill and into the collaborating hospital, Gateway Regional, to save her life as witnesses looked on.
It’s unfortunate that women’s rights groups could care less when an abortionist practices “shoddy work” all in the name of “choice.” Moreover, women’s lives and reproductive health are put in jeopardy due to abortionists’ love of money and blatant disregard for sanitary and safe conditions inside these slaughterhouses. Legal abortion has killed more women since the inception of Roe vs Wade back in 1973.
This day, the abortion client lay motionless as abortion mill workers rushed her across the street and bypassed the emergency room to be admitted to the 3rd floor. She was then quickly taken into the operating room. The abortionist has privileges at Gateway and will call in a special OR team to assist in “patching their botched abortions up and get them back on the highway where they are no longer the abortionist’s problem.” This displays how much they care about women.
Only the butcherttes returned some time later with an empty gurney and walked back inside the slaughterhouse. There were a few other late-term clients’ cars still on the parking lot. No one was coming out. We prayed for the situation. A few minutes later, the two butcherettes
got in their cars and left. After them, Abortionist Erin King Eisenburg took off in her red prius in a hurry.
On the following Friday morning, a young blond woman and an older woman from Missouri pulled right in front of us on the sidewalk. We recognized the car and the driver. They had been here since Tuesday. The driver hurriedly got out and walked over to the passenger side where the blond struggled to get on her feet. It was obvious something was wrong. Her face was very pale, more than likely drained from losing blood; she was sick. This woman could barely stand and winced in pain with every step.We softly called over to her that we had real doctors across the street who would take care of her. They slowly made their way to the abortion mill entrance and went inside. We surmised that she was probably full of infection and suffering complications since starting her abortion on Tuesday. They never came back out during our watch.
Again, the marquee outside Hope Clinic should read: “Kill Your Baby at Your Own Risk!”
Proverbs 12:10 “The kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.”
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