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February 21, 2024

On the Feast of the Holy Innocents

December 28, 2013

Written by Angela Michael

“He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts.” 1 Corinthians 4:5


On a sunny, beautiful Saturday morning gentle Christians delivered God’s mail to on a very busy thoroughfare surrounding a St. Louis , Missouri , top notch graded hospital. At Barnes Jewish Hospital abortionist Erin Lee King delivers babies and then crosses the Mississippi River to murder them in Granite City , Illinois . She also has hospital privileges at Anderson Hospital in Maryville , Illinois and Gateway Regional in Granite City , Illinois where many of her “botched” abortions are diverted to. God blessed us with warmer weather as we lined both sides of the busy street proclaiming the truth. It was awesome. We then realized this date in Biblical history recalled the slaughter of babies in King Herod’s days. Three days after the birth of Jesus an order to kill every male child under the age of two was decreed by this insecure and threatened ruler throughout the town of Bethlehem. What was their crime? The king was intimidated by the Christ child and his birth; the Magi foretold of a new King of the Jews being born.  King Herod took issue with the thought of another heir to the throne, so he was bent on murdering every child under the age of two, Matthew 2:16-18. Hence, it was called the “massacre of the innocents.” The prophet Jeremiah prophesied “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing to be comforted, as her children are no more.” The same can be said of abortionist Erin King as she delivers babies at Barnes Jewish Hospital and murders babies over at Hope abortion Clinic, known for late-term abortions and a lack of regulation in Granite City , Illinois . Unfortunately, abortion has two victims: one dead, one wounded. We were here to expose the evil of deeds of Erin King.


We received many, many honks of support and several people walked up to us inquiring why we were there. We explained that Erin King delivers babies at Barnes Jewish and comes to Illinois to murder them. “That’s not right,” one man said. “I’m glad you all are here.” Several hospital employees had no idea of the dark side of Dr. King. Now they do, and they were displeased.  Several physicians slowed down and read our signs, shaking their heads up and down in agreement. One woman turned her car around and told us, “Thank you for being here.” One proclaimer reported only one drive by middle finger, but we received a majority of positive comments.  Joggers and firemen in their rigs slowed down to ask questions and read our signs.  We were there to expose the unfruitful deeds of darkness. Satan loves to keep evil deeds hidden. Murdering babies, especially late-term babies, is unconscionable. It’s an abomination.  Erin Lee King is assistant medical director and abortionist inside Hope Clinic in Granite City , Illinois .   


Abortionist Dr. Erin Lee King also works with indigent Black American women at the Grace Hill Settlement in crime infested and poverty ridden North St. Louis just like Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, a known racist and eugenicist, did many years ago. Sanger referred to blacks as “human weeds” and “parasites, unworthy of reproducing.” We have intercepted many abortion-bound mothers coming from North St. Louis than we care to. Abortion is destroying black families and it feeds into the lack of morality and the increase of violence and lack of respect for self and life. Abortionists are making millions of dollars aborting their progeny. We are only the messengers delivering God’s mail. You see, abortion does not solve problems, it just creates different ones. 

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