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February 23, 2024

September 28 - November 6, 2016

Let me first start off by admitting we fell for this scam several years ago; actually paid $600.00 for three campaigns until the truth knocked us over. Several people told me, "don’t give them money". "It’s ridiculous". Priest and pastors both said “don’t do it.” You see, our ministry and a few volunteers, have been standing outside the Midwest’s largest late term abortion mill equipped with an ultrasound van / mobile pregnancy center for over two decades. We NEVER charged prayer warriors a fee to do what God has already ordained the Church of Jesus Christ to do, but that is exactly what this charlatan organization does. (read the following article)  Pay to Pray Scam.  Every campaign or group hosting this event has to pay $200.00 dollars to be a part of the national campaign each time. You get nothing, no posters, no banners, no signs. You have to pay for everything. It’s a money maker for David Bereit ($130,000) and Shawn Carney($124,000). Then we found out the salaries these two pay themselves according to 2014 IRS statements. Unbelievable!  Then we learned that the Coalition for Life president Brian Westbrook is doing the same thing; paying himself a hefty salary to head this event up in St. Louis, Missouri, outside Planned Parenthood, while the old timers and veteran prolifers that started prayer vigils outside the abortion clinic in St Louis don’t get squat. It’s sickening that corruption has permeated the prolife movement, but it has. 40 Days for Life goes hand and hand with “cash cow pregnancy” centers. It’s a fact that the prolife movement of today has turned into a “money pit,” with perpetual fundraising. It’s a financial business. I’ve heard from many good hearted prolife people who receive constant mailings and emails from 40 Days, asking for donations for matching funds to pay their salaries etc. NONE of this money goes directly to save a baby from abortion. Sure, it is always good to get prayerful people around an abortion site, but to have to pay? It’s a racket, just like Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers.   Understand, their feet have never seen the concrete outside Hope Clinic, but for this campaign, they plan on being there, why? Answer: they have to look prolife to others to keep raking in the donations to pay their staff and Kathy (Sparks) Lesnoff’s salary( approx.$90,000). She pays her unnamed staff $261,000. She took in half a million in revenue for pregnancy counseling and so called abstinence programs. This is a racket! By doing our ministry for over 23 years, it has exposed Mosaic and we have pushed them finally onto the streets of Granite City, where they should have been twenty years ago; not picking and choosing which pregnancies are worthy, but actually helping ALL  without making mothers “qualify” for help.
Another concern is 40 Days wants you to think babies are only aborted 40 days, twice a year. To the contrary; babies in Granite City Illinois are being murdered every week. Where is 40 Days the other 280 days of the year? That question was put to us by a fellow prolifer who travels with a church group every month to be outside Hope Clinic, and he added that 40 Days does not believe in the graphic signs, but this “reality” of abortion has saved a lot of babies outside Hope Clinic due to the truth of what abortion looks like. It’s a fact. Just ask Father Frank Pavone director of Priests for Life, about graphic signs. I, like other prolifers are disappointed that the Springfield Diocese is propping up 40 Days or Brian Westbrook who pays himself approx. $80,000, for doing what exactly??  Bishop Paprocki, whom we have been very respectful and cordial to, is a once a year pilgrim outside Hope Clinic and he, like his “once a year wonders” so to say, will pray the rosary and march one time a year to look good for the photo op. They want to be with the “cool” people. They are not there to stop one baby from being aborted. Their bodies aren’t bruised and bloodied on the battlefield. No dirt under their nails. God has shown us the way to fight abortion, and bring it to an end; it’s by being faithful; one baby at a time. It’s not up to these “prolife leeches” that have tainted the movement, and turned it into financial gain. God can end abortion at any moment, but He is waiting for the Church of Jesus Christ to show up and to be faithful to His word. No one should have to pay money to pray. Do it for free like we have and for the right reasons. Not only have babies been saved through our vital ministry, but we have adopted babies and helped infertile couples adopt babies that were scheduled to die. Can 40 Days for Life or any pregnancy center say the same?  Let your walk be your talk.   

Isaiah 1:2-15 " When you spread out your hands in prayer I will hide my eyes from you. Even if you offer many prayers I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood;


Keep speaking the truth, no matter the cost,



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