


Rescuing babies, saving lives...

One heart at at time.

Pregnant and Afraid? We're Here to Help.

Facing an unexpected pregnancy can be terrifying. How will I keep my job? Can I afford child care? What will my parents say? How can I care for a child with a medical condition? Offering care and support for over 6,841 babies, Small Victories Ministries is here to help. Connect with us today and say "yes" to life.


Creating a Culture of Compassion and Hope

Small Victories creates a culture that speaks to the hearts of women who are faced with unplanned pregnancies. We want women to know they are not alone, and we are here to help them.

We enable women to choose a better life for themselves and their children when we provide compassion, education, and care that respects and appreciates all lives.

I Want to Help

Advocating for Families

Abortion preys on women during one of the most vulnerable times in their lives. Small Victories seeks to stand in the gap for families with the truth and love of the gospel. We work to keep families healthy and whole by providing real care and compassion to mothers and their babies.


years of passion


babies rescued


diapers distributed


babies adopted

woman with newborn

Small Victories Ministries is working to end the human rights abuses of the abortion industry.

The preborn baby is the most vulnerable and least protected member of the human family. Abortion is lawful in the United States until the baby is born, according to federal law. These helpless little people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, as they are entitled to the most basic human rights. Small Victories rescues moms and their babies from the destruction of human abortion.

Stand in the Gap
Our Core Values

"Every good tree bears good their fruit you will recognize them."

Matthew 7:17&20

The Value of All Life

God is the author of life, which begins at conception. Because He made men and women in His image, all human life deserves to be respected and preserved. 

The Truth About Abortion

Abortion takes a human life and has devastating, long-term, and often unrecognized consequences for those who are impacted.

Empowering Women

Supporting women with compassion and hope has the capacity to not only improve her life, but also to empower her to choose life for her child.

Offering Accurate Information

Abortion is widely chosen by women as a result of personal crises and a lack of other options. We provide women and men with tools, information, and support to help them make life-affirming decisions.

Become a
Life Changer

We can reach the hearts of women and save the lives of babies

A woman who is faced with an unintended pregnancy does not have to go through it alone. We have the ability to provide her with the community of support she requires. Dedicated volunteers like you make our work and the work of ministries possible. When we work together, we can create a supportive environment for women.

Let us work together to create a world where every woman has the freedom to choose life.

Contact Us

Mobile Pregnancy Center

Free Ultrasounds and Pregnancy Tests

Thanks to our generous donors, our mobile pregnancy van is on location at the Midwest's largest late term abortion center in Granite City, IL and Fairview Heights, IL, outside Planned Parenthood. Small Victories services allow mothers a window to their womb, establishing a deep connection to their unborn baby. Services include pregnancy test, ultrasound, counseling, and doctor referral.

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We partner with generous donors to meet the physical needs of moms and dads. Small Victories Ministries has provided over 317,000 diapers to families in need. We also connect you to resources for clothing, bedding, and baby equipment.

Post Abortive Care

Women suffering with the aftermath of abortion can find healing and hope through counseling. An abortion decision is frequently accompanied by sentiments of rage, worry, regret, and guilt. We work alongside women and men on their journey to healing.

Small Victories Ministries recognizes that God is the source of ultimate healing. Men and women can find forgiveness and rehabilitation through post-abortion support programs. This promotes life – for all eternity!


The Power of a Window to the Womb

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With over 30 years of work and countless encounters with women who are making one of the most difficult decisions of their lives, we are blessed in our work. Take a look through our gallery of life.



Granite City, IL is home to Hope Clinic, one of the Midwest's largest late term abortion providers. Small Victories Ministries provides on-site care for these women and their babies. We bring the care of a crisis pregnancy center to the steps of the abortion mill-where women need it most. Join with us today to continue this life-giving ministry, help us be the light and the life today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about our ministry? We're here to help!

  • What is Hope Clinic?

    The Midwest's largest late term abortion mill located in Granite City, Illinois has received another notable title, recently. For years now, we have been reporting and documenting that Missouri abortion clients are keeping “the lights on” so to say inside this baby slaughterhouse. 

    In our almost 30 yrs. of gently preaching the gospel and helping mothers with real healthcare and baby supplies etc., and witnessing the abortion bound, it's mostly Missouri women crossing state lines and using Hope abortion Clinic, which also does abortions up to nine months, as their method of birth control.  There seems to be no limit to evil and corruption that can be bought inside the state of Illinois. 

    Illinois ranks number one in manufacturing corruption and vice.  Churches are M.I.A. when it comes to morality or loving our neighbors. Even the littlest ones. Now, since the outgoing Republican Governor Rauner signed into effect Jan 1, 2018 that Illinois taxpayers will be forced to pay for everyone’s abortions. It's endless. Katy bar the door!  And the city forefathers could care less as this is more income for the Granite City, where the steel industry once kept Granite City thriving; now it’s the abortion mill. 

    This Sunday as many Sundays, pastors will preach, churchgoers will sing songs, as the blood of the innocent courses through the sewer pipes underneath their churches. Not a word will be mentioned concerning the over 400, 000 babies’ innocent blood that has flowed through their streets for 44 years. This was the 2017 report and numbers are questionably lower than our data; Just imagine what the 2018 data will show us as the murder rate has sky rocketed with Illinois tax payer money.

    By state: Missouri- 1820.  Yes- well over half are from Missouri. 60% actually.

    Illinois 1069 - barely over a third. 35%  REMINDER: This is 2017 report

     Hope Abortion mill is more of a Missouri abortion clinic than an Illinois clinic.  It just doesn't have to follow MO laws and regulations.

  • What are the risks from abortion?

    Common Side Effects

    Most women experience some of the following after an abortion:

    Bleeding – on average, bleeding lasts 14 days but can last as long as 21 days. 1,2





    These symptoms typically resolve within a week, sometimes longer.

    Potential Complications:

    Damage to the womb or cervix

    Excessive bleeding

    Incomplete abortion, requiring an additional surgical abortion procedure

    Infection of the uterus or fallopian tubes

    Scarring of the inside of the uterus

    Sepsis or Septic shock

    Uterine perforation


  • What services do you offer at the mobile clinic?

    We are so blessed to be able to perfom ultrasounds on-site to women who are waiting to be seen at Hope Clinic. We also offer free tests to confirm your pregnancy. We work with families to provide for their physical needs during the pregnancy and after delivery. We can refer you to a local OB for pregnancy care. Our mobile medical unit also offers STD tests, baby supplies, counseling, adoption services,

    prenatal care and follow-up, and pregnancy confirmations slips.

    In addition to Hope Clinic, we also cover Planned Parenthood in Fairview, IL.

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